Pest Control Services Aotearoa Ltd is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all staff and customers, and to providing the information, training and supervision needed to achieve this. Pest Control Service Aotearoa Ltd will take responsibility for health and safety procedures, however, employees and customers need to be aware of their responsibilities and comply with the business’ health and safety policy. According to our customer information Sheet and Information on our web site. Each employee and Customer is encouraged to play a vital and responsible role in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace through:
Being involved in the workplace health and safety system.
Sticking to correct procedures and equipment.
Wearing protective clothing and equipment as and when required.
Reporting any pain or discomfort as soon as possible.
Ensuring all accidents and incidents are reported.
Helping new employees, trainees and customers to the workplace understand the right safety procedures and why they exist.
Reporting to involved parties immediately of any health and safety concerns.
Keeping the workplace tidy to minimise the risk of any trips and falls.